Jakarta - More than two-thirds of the United States (U.S.) do notagree with the way President Barack Obama deal with rising fuel prices. Most Americans blame Obama could not restrain the rate offuel prices.
Based on a poll conducted by Reuters, 68% of people do not agree with the way Obama put a halt to rising fuel prices, which would be amajor issue in the elections which will take effect November 2012.
Last month, fuel prices in the U.S. rose U.S. $ 0.3 per gallon (1 gallon= 3.7 liters) to U.S. $ 3.9. The high price of fuel is going to be an issue for the Republicans to hit Obama in the election.
"Obama is getting hot, but people should not have to blame Obamarelated to fuel," said a researcher Chris Jackson was quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (03/28/2012).
The majority of supporters, Republicans, Democrats, and independents Retuers according to
the survey were not happy with the way Obama is handling gasoline prices.
Even so, people in the U.S. now blame the oil companies areassessed for the greedy take from fuel sales. In addition to fuel,energy issues will also be a factor penghantam that Obama has been prepared by his political opponents in the election.
However, economists in the U.S. states, the high price of fuel in the U.S. have done to prevent the U.S. economy fell into recession.
Besides the U.S., the fuel price problem also occurs in Indonesia.Currently, the government plans to raise subsidized fuel prices to Rp 1,500 to Rp 6,000 per liter. But the political process is going on inIndonesia, the demonstration was now emerging plan related to therising fuel prices.